Blog Archive

Friday, April 7, 2017

Dear families,
      This week, it was full of fun and knowledge. On Monday, our class did our Morning Meeting and did a game called “Statues”. You might have heard of the popular game in our class. Next period, we did math. We learned how to divide fractions by whole numbers, and whole numbers divided by fractions. After that, we had science class. We began a new unit on rocks and minerals. Soon, it was time for gym class. There was an obstacle course set up. We had fun rock climbing, leaping, and swinging on ropes hanging from the ceiling. After recess and lunch, it was time for ELA. Our class did our infrastructure MCAS trial with a teacher called Mr. Romaker. We then packed up and went home.
      On Tuesday, our class began with Morning Meeting. Soon, we moved on to math class. We kept on learning how to do “division with fractions and whole numbers” word problems. Later, we switched on to Social Studies. We learned about a new topic on slavery. Soon, it was Technology Class. Our class learned to create a game on Scratch. It was pretty cool, and difficult. After lunch and recess, it was time for ELA. Our class discussed and read a poem. We tried to find the poem’s theme. We highlighted important parts and details too. Then, it was read aloud. Finally, it was time to pack up.
      The next day (which is Wednesday) our class did the morning meeting game called Alibi. We had fun playing this game, you should have heard of it before. The bell soon rang, it was time for math. We realized that there was a test coming up on Friday. So, our class basically did a review, also doing a math website called Zearn. Later, it was science class. We learned the definitions of some essential words in Rocks and Minerals. We learned more about some disasters (like earthquakes and tsunamis) and weathering. We then switched on to Music Class. In music, we watched the show of a musical group called Stomp Out Loud. After lunch and recess, it was time for ELA. We learned new things about poetry. After that, we went home!
      On Thursday, we played Jeopardy on the key value: Courage. We didn’t get enough time to play the whole game. Then, we went to math class. In math we did the study guide for the test. Soon, it was Social Studies. We read all about slavery. After that, we went to art class and glazed our mugs. After recess and lunch, we learned about points of view. Then we played Points Of View cards to test our knowledge. Then it was read aloud.
      On Friday, we started our morning meeting game: Statues. Then we went to math class. We did our math test there. Soon, it was time for science class. We studied more about Rocks and Minerals. We watched some BrainPOP videos on terrifying disasters. In gym class, we had fun doing the Obstacle Course again. After lunch and recess, it was time for ELA. We did our spelling test. Then we got assigned to our new Book Talk dates. Later, we read our IDR books. Finally, it was almost time to go home, we did read aloud! Then we went home. This weekend was full of fun and joy!!

Linda and Ryan

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