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Friday, January 20, 2017

Dear Frogs,

First Happy new year! A new year, A new us. Let’s have  a Happy 2017. I hope everybody had an amazing Martin Luther king Junior’s birthday. So happy b-day. This week Marin has the chair.
In we were going over dividing with decimals and whole numbers. On Thursday January 17,2017 we have a test on module 2 Eureka Math. In math we had a study guide for the test. Thanks to Miss. O for  letting us get started, and half of us finished it. The next day we corrected the study guide for the whole class.  We finally had the math test and it looked exactly like the study guid,e but after the test it took us half the social studies for everybody to finish. We’re on module 3 on math now.
In we are learning about the lost Colony of  Roanoke Island which has a mystery that still hasn’t been answered to this day. We are in Chapter 6 right now. In 1584 Sir Walter Raleigh brought 116 people to Roanoke. After a while they were losing supplies and we learned that Virginia Dare was the first English baby born in North America. John White went back to England for supplies. England was getting ready for war so it was 3 years until John White could get back to Roanoke. By the time he came back no one was there and all the buildings were not there. As John White left he saw the words “Croatoan” or “Cro”.

We also learned about the Jamestown colony. This was 20-30 years after the Roanoke colony. English people were trying to get Golds and Silvers but, instead got Iron Ore, sassafras, and timber. They soon traded with the Natives, but also quarreled at time to time. In 1614 the tobacco crop was now used as a cash crop. However, now we know that Tobacco is used in cigars and causes lung cancer, it’s also still grown in some places. I’ll also want to shout out (even if you already know this) There is a historical fictional cartoon show on  #4 called Liberty’s Kids. It’s a cartoon show based on life of the people of the people ranging from the time of the 13 colonies and the Revolutionary War. It’s great, hilarious, and is a show you can’t stop watching from the first few episodes. We're on episode 4.
In we are doing mixtures and solutions an exciting subject. We are mixing gravel with water, powder and water, and salt and water. We’re seeing if we can separate the gravel, salt, and powder. So far we separated salt, garavel. We're also seeing if the salt weighs more when we add it with water.
In we are doing informational text. We have to research about  the most disastrous disasters and we need to make a presentation with  a green screen. Some of the disasters that we are doing are 9/11, The Titanic, The Great Fire, The American Dust Bowl, The Drowned City, The Exxon Valdez etc. Have a great weekend everybody!

                                          Yael and Rayaan

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